Zebra striping

Zebra striping is a diagnostic shading technique used in computer graphics to visualize curvature on smooth surfaces. It is primarily used for computer aided design (CAD). It is a simulation of the visual effect of placing an object in a tunnel lit by parallel rows of lights. It has been implemented in a number of CAD products, including (but not limited to) Maya and Rhinoceros 3D.

It can be implemented as an environment map using radiating pie wedges as the source texture.

The term is also used for tables with every other row colored to make it easier to read tables. Although Zebra striping has been used for a long time to improve readability, there is relatively little data on how much it helps.[1][2]


Code Country Capital
fr France Paris
it Italy Rome
no Norway Oslo
se Sweden Stockholm
uk United Kingdom London


Can be implemented using Cascading Style Sheets (CSS).

tr:nth-child(2n+1) {background-color: #efefef}


  1. ^ Enders, Jessica: "Zebra Striping: Does it Really Help?", A List Apart, http://www.alistapart.com/articles/zebrastripingdoesithelp
  2. ^ Enders, Jessica (September 9, 2008), "Zebra Striping: More Data for the Case", A List Apart